VSEM EN > Studies at VŠEM > Administration of Studies > Study Results Supervision > Completion of Studies and Dropouts (Conditions/Terms)

Completion of Studies and Dropouts (Conditions/Terms)

General rules for the completion of studies are determined by VŠEM internal regulations, where the specific dates are dependent on meeting the conditions of the schedule by the student for a specific term for completion of studies (October, January, June).

The Timetable for completion and termination of studies

The deadline for the closure and the completion of studies is not dependent on the study group, starting date of studies, overall period of studies of particular study program or form of studies, but it is dependent on meeting fullfilling the timetable for proper completion of studies for corresponding term of bachelor/diploma thesis defense (e.g. October, January, June).

The timetable for the conclusion of studies/term of BT/DT defense

October January June
Submission of the bachelor/diploma thesis assignment to supervisors (BBA, MSc., MBA)
1.6/1.4. 1.9./1.7. 1.2./1.12.
Submission of the final version of the BT / DT - preterm(electronic version) to 1.7. 1.10. 1.3.
Submission of the final version of the BT / DT (electronic version) to 1.9. 1.12. 1.5.
Classification Credits, Exams, Practical applications, seminar
paper, final written exam and output test
10.10. 10.1. 10.6.
BT / DT defense until (last week of the month: Monday - Friday) 31.10. 31.1. 30.6.

Standard length of studies

The study must be closed/terminated in a standard period of study relevant degree program (Bc./Ing./Bc.), which if exceeded (non-compliance) standard period of study, the student can apply for an extension of the toll/extension of the period of study according to relevant administrative and financial conditions of VSEM.

The final module

Part of the final module is optional elective bachelor / master workshop, which specifies the formal requirements for preparation of a thesis student, final exams, familiar with the course and conclusion of graduation.

  • Seminars are offered in each trimester during the academic year, via the Calendar of teaching and examination.
  • Contents of the seminar: timetable for closure and graduation assignment BP / DP, the requirements for the development of BP / DP, final exams (ZZK) Thesis defense.

Closing studies

Conclusion of the study involves the successful completion of a classification of all the tests (ZK), credits (ZP) and seminar papers (SP) in the range of ratings 1 to 3.

  • Passing a classification of all the tests (ZK) / credits (ZP).
  • Developing a classification of all prescribed seminar papers (SP).
  • Passing a classification exam in a foreign language (English / German) at the appropriate level.
  • The study cannot be closed, if the classification of partial exams, final exam and seminar paper (SP) is "failed - 4"/Excluding.

Completion of studies

Completion of the study involves the composition the final examinations ZZK defense of thesis Bachelor's / Master's thesis in the range of ratings 1 to 3.

  • Closing the study completition of all partial result (passing classification of all partial ZP, ZK, SP).
  • Passing and classification of all prescribed final exams.
  • Developing and defending the thesis (bachelor/master).

Defense BP/DP

Thesis defense takes place with commissional form every last week of the month (October/January/June) in the range (Monday - Friday). Time and date of the student is determined after the application deadline the defense BP/DP.

  • Students have to sign a defense BP/DP via SIS VŠEM/ Exams of the student / Defense BP/DP.
  • The Specific Time of defense of BP/DP is notified in writing after the application deadline of defense BP/DP (Via invitation to defend BP/DP).

  • Registration of the student proceeds on the day of the defense BP/DP, at the study department at least 30 min. before checking the identity of the student (student card and other identity document).
  • The student enters the examination room at the invitation of worker study department, which introduces the student and an expert committee should follow the defense BP/DP (presentation BP/DP, questions of expertise and leading opponent BP/DP, questions from the examining board discussion).
  • The question for oral final exam to enter the examination committee. Student prepares a question during the defense of the previous student.
  • Upon completion of the defense and examination of student's examination committee advises on the outcome/ classification, where the term communication of results/classification is the full responsibility of the examination board and may follow immediately after the respective defense of the student or more studens of the group.
  • Student has three "examination" attempts to defend BP/DP (state final exam), when after graduation a failed third attempt (4 - failed) study is finished for non-compliance.
  • Graduates have 7 days from the graduation in SIS VŠEM / files of applicant/student (a confirmation of the completion of studies (PDF format, electronic signature)).

Graduation Ceremony VŠEM

Forwarding a university degree, diploma supplement and graduation ring VŠEM is part of the graduation ceremony of graduates VŠEM (Aula VŠEM, Nárožní 2600 / 9A, Praha), where participation in the graduation ceremony for students /graduate mandatory.

  • Abstention graduate at graduation ceremony is possible only on the basis of an approved application Rector of VŠEM and submission of relevant documents/certificate student.
  • If graduate does not participate in the graduation ceremony, graduate diploma and diploma supplement passed 14 days after the date of graduation ceremonies.
  • Photos from the graduation ceremony at VŠEM, are available for graduates on the server VŠEM download within 14 days after the graduation ceremony.

Dates of graduation ceremony in AY 2017/2018

Graduation ceremony take place depending on the respective date of graduation/thesis defense three times a year (November, February, September), the specific date/time/date is published at the end of the respective defenses BP/DP.

  • November 2017
  • February 2018
  • September 2018

The timetable of graduation ceremony at VŠEM

The timetable graduation ceremony at VŠEM is part of the official invitations to the graduation ceremony, graduates of VŠEM and specifies guidelines for students, along with any capacity for guest of the students (number and timetable).

Morning term 11:00 am

  • 9:45 Registration of the student
  • 10:15 Training course of graduation
  • 11:00 The official start
  • 12:00 Ceremony toast
  • 12:15 End of graduation

Afternoon term 14:00 pm

  • 12:45 Registration of graduates
  • 13:15 training course of graduation
  • 14:00 The official start
  • 15:00 Ceremony toast
  • 15:15 End of graduation

Leaving of studies

If the student does not want to continue at the studies, he must notify via SIS VŠEM / Study form / application as leaving of the studies at VŠEM.

  • Request for leaving of the studies must include the reason for leaving and involves submitting student ID at VŠEM (by mail, in person or by proxy) and the payment of all financial obligations at VŠEM.
  • Part of the sent notification of leaving of the studies is a statement of examinations (E - index with electronic signature Rector at VŠEM).
  • Leaving of studies does not relieve the student's obligation to pay all financial commitments to VŠEM (outstanding annual tuition within the distribution of payments, administrative fees for the academic year or period of time, which made an entry into, or was written study department at VŠEM).
  • If the student does not requests for a leaving of studies and fails to pay the outstanding tuition fees, will not be entitled to a confirmation of previous studies at VŠEM and statement of examinations (E-index).
  • The study is left to the date of application of the student, via Higher Education Act No.111 / 1998 Coll.