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Master (MBA)

Professional one year long master study programme Master of Business Administration (MBA), accredited by ACBSP with professional study field specializations (Economic and Social Innovations, Project Managemenet, Market Research) is realized in both Czech and English language (full-time, part-time and distance forms of study).

NOTE: The master study programme MBA taught in English language is currently opened in full-time and distance form of studies in the Academic year 2018/2019.

Master of Business Administration (MBA 12 months)

The MBA program provides course work in the major functional areas of business, such as economics and social innovations, project management, market research, marketing, management, business economy, mangerial economics, financial management, HR management. Our team of experienced, skilled professors also practice in their fields. They consult, lecture nationally and abroad, and/or conduct and publish research. Every professor exposes you to a different style of learning, enhancing your executive versatility and preparing you for different organizational expectations in the business world. Case studies and other hands on learning approaches are used to develop your analytical and critical thinking business skills.

Content and Form of Study

Content and form of master´s study programme (MBA) is given by specific requirements of graduate´s professional assertion in leading positions in higher and top management, depending on student's previous education.

  • Part-time form of study I is realized in form of one day tuition blocks at the weekends (Saturday or Sunday, 1-3 times per trimester)
  • Part-time form of study II is realized in form of intensive tuition blocks, 4-5 days in the weekdays (Monday-Friday, once per trimester/ study course)
  • Full-time form of study is realized in form of 2 or 3 days tuition blocks during the week (Monday-Friday, 4-5 times per trimester)
  • Distance form of study is an individual, on-line form based on self-study with opportunity to pass exams during a whole year
  • Tuition of study subjects is realized through interactive video-applications VSEM (videolearning VŠEM, VideoForum VSEM, Video consultations) and standard tuition blocks.