Economic Analysis and Competitive Strategy (EACS)
Content and conditions of studies
Study programme characteristics define the basic division into relevant study modules (basic modules, professional basis modules, major specialization modules), and the characteristics of study modules / courses / seminars.Structure and time schedule of studies contain the time structure according to individual years / trimesters of the study programme, detailed annotation of study modules / courses (allocation of instruction hours, method of course / module completion, credits, study aids permitted during an exam, basic and recommended literature, thematic areas of seminar papers, examples of exams).
Completion of a course / module defines the terms and conditions for the method of reviewing the acquired knowledge of a student for a given study course / module (exams, seminar papers, prezentation, credits).
Completion and conclusion of studies involves administrative and study requirements associated with the conclusion of studies (partial exams, classification of seminar papers), terms and conditions as well as time schedule for the completion of studies.
Final exams (FE) involve terms and conditions, content, and thematic areas of final exams and final state exams, terms and conditions and procedures for defending a diploma thesis.
Diploma thesis (DT) involves terms and conditions and formal requirements for preparing and defending a student’s diploma thesis, time schedule and process of defending a diploma thesis.
Profile and qualification of a graduate characterize knowledge (general, professional, special) acquired in the course of the studies, together with the characterization of professions and institutions suitable for graduates based on their respective specialization.