VSEM EN > Studies at VŠEM > Study Programmes > Bachelor (Bc./BBA) > Business Economics (BE) > Completion and Conclusion of Studies (FBE)

Completion and Conclusion of Studies (FBE)

Terms for completion and conclusion of studies are not connected with the student's study group but with the fulfilment of the time schedule
The terms for the completion (EX, SP, A1) and conclusion (FE, Defence of BW) of studies do not depend on the study group, they are dependent on fulfilling all conditions for passing final state examinations and a defence of a bachelor´s work within given terms (October, January, April).

Completion of Studies

Completion of studies involves passing and classification of all prescribed examinations and seminar papers according to the structure and time schedule of studies. Studies are completed after:
  • Passing and classification of all prescribed examinations (credits) in all courses
  • Submitting and classification of all prescribed seminar papers
  • Passing and classification of examination in English language (A1)
  • Passing Final module (bachelor's seminar, examination seminar)

Exceeding of the standard length of studies

The studies must be completed in the standard length of the relevant study programme (within 3 years from the enrollment for the first trimester) according to the date stated in The Agreement on the Implementation of the Bachelor's Study Programme.

In case the length of studies is longer than the standard length (exceeding of the standard length of a study programme), the student is obliged to pay school fees for each additional trimester/s until he/she completes his/her studies.

In case the standard length is exceeded, the student is obliged to ask for additional trimestr via SIS VŠEM/Studijní formulář/Žádost, 30 days before the date of completion of studies stated in the agreement at the latest. In case the student wants to pass remaining examinations / credits / seminar papers within above mentioned 30 days, he / she is obliged to send the time schedule for this period of studies together with the application.

Student who doesn't complete studies within the standard length and doesn't ask for additional trimester is considered as a student dropping out from studies without any compensation.

Final module

Final Module involves bachelor's seminar and examination seminar. The examination seminar specifies content requirements and introduces model of final written examinations.
  • Project of the bachelor's work (structure, elaboration procedure and reference literature)
  • Discussion on the elaboration procedure of a bachelor´s work
  • Discussion on final written examinations

Conclusion of studies

Conclusion of studies covers completion of studies (EX, SP, A1), passing final examinations (FE), elaboration and defence of the bachelor's work (BW). Time schedule for the conclusion of studies states corresponding terms and conditions for concluding of studies in the bachelor's study programme (Bc.).
 Time schedule for conclusion of studies / Defence of the work
Submitting bachelor's project until 1.4. 1.7. 1.10.
Completion of studies until 1.7. 1.10. 1.1.
Submitting working version of the bachelor's work until 1.8. 1.11. 1.2.
Submitting final version of the bachelor's work until 1.9. 1.12. 1.3.
Passing and classification of the final exams until 10.10. 10.1. 10.4.
Oral defence of the BW until (more days) 31.10. 31.1. 30.4.

Exceeding the standard length of conclusion of studies

The study must be concluded in 12 months after the completion of the studies, the period of concluding the studies (12 months) is free of charge.

In case of non-standard (longer) length of concluding the studies, the student is obliged to repeat the final examinations (FE, defence of a bachelor´s work) and pay for each additional trimester/s until the end of his/her studies.