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VSEM EN > About VŠEM > VŠEM Projects > Accelerator VŠEM

Accelerator VŠEM

University of Economics and Management (VŠEM) became a support receiver within the Operational program Employment (OPZ) with the project Accelerator VŠEM for creation and development of capacities focused on processing and diffusion of innovations.

General information

  • Duration of the project: 01. 07. 2017 - 31. 08. 2019
  • Official shortened title: Akcelerátor VŠEM
  • Registration number: CZ.03.3.X/0.0/0.0/15_124/0006487

About Accelerator VŠEM

  • Accelerator VŠEM for creation and development of capacities is a program which supports starting businessmen and companies with a short history.
  • The program focuses on activities from the fields of education, workshops, consultancy and personal development.
  • The capacity of Accelerator is 15 teams, which will be resided in StartUp VŠEM premises.
  • Mentors of Accelerator VŠEM are professionals and successful businessmen who are ready to help the participants of the project.
  • Participants can be both individuals or teams, students, absolvents, non-profit employees, companies, parents on parental leave (Nursery School VŠEM is available).

Project schedule

Accelerator is divided into 4 groups - StartUp Camp; Incubation period; Acceleration period, Entrepreneurship.

  • StartUp Camp (January 10-15, 2019) - 5 days - participants learn how to process an idea and how to handle short-term money for starting the project, train the pitch and form a team.
  • Incubation period (Feb - Apr 2019) - 9 workshops - teams are trying to describe a product, which they are working on, validate it, compare with rival companies, prepare a marketing plan. Mentors are available to help them with the obstacles.
  • Acceleration period (May - Jun 2019) - lectures focused on the product, team, leadership, project management and operational issues.
  • Entrepreneurship (Aug - Oct 2019)

The project's goal

  • Creation and development of capacities for process and diffusion of innovations for starting businessmen and companies with a short history.
  • Procuring necessary resources (financial, material, knowledge) for starting businessmen and dynamic companies with a short history.
  • Connecting businessmen and companies with investors who can provide them not only with capital but also with their experiences in business.
  • Popularization of Social Impact Startups in the Czech Republic, in keeping with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 10 General Principles of UN GC, Strategic approach to sustainable development and principles of social business.

Accelerator VŠEM Challenges

There are six challenges from which the project participants may choose one they want to be involved in. These challenges are also sustainable development goals.

Year 2019

1. How can we end homelessness especially of young people and those who have handicaps?
2. How can we give a job to people who cannot be helped by the employment office?
3. How can we reduce the relapse of people released from prison? How employ people with a criminal record?
4. How can we reduce indebtness and stop the vicious circle of intergenerational reproduction of poverty?
5. How can we obtain more data with higher quality about groups of people who sail through the system without notice?
6. How can we improve attitude towards people who live out of mainstream? Immigrants, homeless people, mentally sick, drug addicts and others.

Year 2018

1. How can we dictate and measure economic and social impact of networks?
2. How might we enable scale-ups to grow by accessing the talent and measure the impact?
3. How can we improve retention of students from generation Z and generation Alpha?
4. How can we reduce the impact of climate and drought changes on health and life quality of people in the Czech Republic?
5. How can we save thousands of wasted lives on roads?
6. How can we improve people's lives in cities with the help of smart innovations?

Accelerator VŠEM Teams

Participants entered the Accelerator VŠEM program with various projects and ideas which either respond to any of the challenges or directly respond to any of the sustainable development goals.

Year 2019

Year 2018

Accelerator VŠEM Mentors

Mentors with rich professional experiences are ready to help all of the participating teams.