Thesis (Bachelor/Master)

The Bachelor/Diploma thesis (final thesis) is the final, topical focused written output of the student within the specified formal and graphical design, structure and scope with the study specialisation and professional interest of the student within the selected study program/specialisation as the main element  Act on Higher Education Institutes no. 111/1998 Coll. Differentiates the titles for Bachelor thesis (bachelor’s) and diploma thesis (master’s study programs).

The basic conditions for BT/DT

  • The main goal of BT/DT is the proposal of the specific solution of the respective problem issues, i.e. the topic, utilizing maximum scope of professional sources within the specified number of pages.
  • The process for writing BT/DT is defined in the Instructions for the procedure, formal design, and processing of BT/DT, which specify the minimum number of pages for BT (30 pages)/DT (50 pages), formal, textual, and graphic design of the bachelor/diploma thesis.
  • Administration issues of BT/DT (terms and form of submission) are specified during the bachelor/diploma seminar, internal regulations, internal rules, and VŠEM pages.
  • Processing BT/DT includes three phases (1. project, 2. draft version, 3. final version), and each part must be completed in compliance with the time schedule for concluding and completing the studies.
  • Project BT/DT includes the topic, thesis goal and its justification, working hypothesis, methods and techniques to be applied in BT/DT, work structure, time schedule for BT/DT work, and applied sources (the project is to be submitted electronically within the scope of 2 - 4 pages).
  • The student processes the BT/DT assignment on the basis of the BT/DT project approval considering the assignment is binding for the student (the obligation to process and deliver the BT/DT assignment is applicable from AR 2011/2012 within the regulations of MŠMT ČR, i.e. relates to all students who register the BT/DT topics from 1.10.-1.12.2011).
  • The BT/DT draft version complies with 90 % of final version of the bachelor/diploma thesis, and the student submits is electronically as per the time schedule for the study conclusion and completion.
  • The final BT/DT version is the final and definitive version of the bachelor/ diploma thesis to be defended by the student in front of the committee within the final state exam (BT/DT defence).
  • Based on Act on Higher Education Institutes no. 111/1998 Coll., as amended, Universities are obliged to publish bachelor/diploma thesis, see SIS VŠEM/E-vyhledavač

BT/DT administration

  • As for the BT/DT submission, the student must adhere to the study completion schedule. If failing to do so, his/her thesis defence will be automatically postponed until the next study completion date available. (October, January, May)
  • In case of failure to adhere to the specified time schedule, the defence of BT/DT is automatically transferred to the next possible term of study completion (October, January, July).
  • Project/draft version/final version are sent in electronic format by means of  SIS VŠEM/Studijní formulář/Bakalářská/Diplomová práce in one file (title page, summary, BT/DT) and in approved format (DOC, DOCX, PDF).
  • Project, draft version, final version of BT/DT are assessed (approved/disapproved) after the appropriate deadline for submitting the respective output.
  • If the project, draft version, final version of BT/DT do not comply with the specified formal issues, they are not submitted for evaluation and are returned to the student for correction and completion, see Nařízení rektora č. 01/2011
  • A student must bring the presentation of BT/DT within the maximum of 10 slides (format PPT, PPTX) to the BT/DT defence on USB flash disk. Layout for the presentation is available in SIS VŠEM/E-vyhledavač.


  • The actual topics for BT/DT are posted always before 1.10./1.2./1.5 by the respective departments for the given study completion term (June, October, January), see Tematické okruhy BP/Tematické okruhy DP. 
  • The students selects the BT/DT topic according to his/her study specialisation/professional interest by means of SIS VŠEM/Studijní formulář/Tematické okruhy BP/DP according to his/her schedule for study completion (BT/DT defence).
  • The topics for BT/DT are posted within general level and the student must define the topics in his/her BT/DT project; the selection of BT/DT topic other than compliant with the respective study specialisation results in BT/DT topic cancellation.
  • The student can select the BT/DT topic during the 1st study year with the specification of the defence date (month/year), and the change of the binding topic selection is possible only within Extraordinary terms and services. 
  • The maximum number of student for individual topics is specified by individual departments, and in case the topic is not available, a student must select another optional topic.
  • The BT/DT topic represents for the student the selection of his/her BT/DT supervisor without the administration and tuition relation to VŠEM considering the BT/DT topic (BT/DT project) and BT/DT supervisor are subject to VŠEM approval (a student submits officially verified copy of the highest achieved education and professional CV of the final thesis supervisor as a pert of the BT/DT project, and the final thesis opponent is assigned by VŠEM after the submission of BT/DT final version).

BT/DT project

  • The period for the project evaluation by the study department (formal issues) is 14 days from the deadline to submit the project, and the student will receive email with the below statement ("Approved SO" – the project was formally accepted and submitted for evaluation to the lecturer who posted the respective topic for BT/DT, i.e. to the BT/DT supervisor, or "Refused SO" – the project does not comply with formal issues, a student has 3 days for changing the project).
  • BT/DT lecturer/supervisor is assigned for the student within 30 days from the deadline for submitting the BT/DT project, and the BT/DT opponent is assigned to the student after submitting the BT/DT final version.
  • A student must within 7 days from the approval (a student receives a message on the formal issue approval "Approved L"/"Approved L V" and e-mail for the supervisor) of the BT/DT project, contact the assigned BT/DT supervisor, and failure to do so will result in BT/DT topic cancellation (it does not apply in case of his/her own BT/DT supervisor without relation to VŠEM).
  • BT/DT lecturer/supervisor can approve the project with objection (Approved L V) providing he/she specifies the objections in the note – a student does not change the BT/DT project, and processes the notes in the BT/DT assignment, i.e. the thesis.
  • In case the BT/DT lecturer/supervisor turn down the project (Refused L), the topic is cancelled for the student.
  • Failure to submit the BT/DT project within the specified scheduled deadline for the study completion, the BT/DT topic is cancelled resulting in the obligation to select a new BT/DT topic.

BT/DT assignment

  • Based on the project approval and the assignment of the final thesis supervisor, a student must process a binding BT/DT assignment together with the supervisor.
  • The thesis supervisor must submit Zadání Bakalářské práce/Zadání Diplomové práce (format DOCX) to VŠEM study department at least within 30 days from the BT/DT project content approval.
  • The student must pick up one copy of the BT/DT assignment with original signature from the VŠEM rector in the study department providing the BT/DT assignment forms an integral part of the student’s final thesis.
  • Failure to submit the BT/DT assignment within the specified scheduled deadline for the study completion, the BT/DT topic is cancelled resulting in the obligation to select a new BT/DT topic.

BT/DT draft version

  • BT/DT draft version (BT/DT 1st version) must comply at least within 90% with the content of BT/DT final version (in case of exceeding the permitted scope of changes, the final thesis will not be submitted to the opponent for evaluation and the student will not be able to defend his/her BT/DT within the specified deadline).
  • BT/DT draft version must contain all issues and administration requirements for the final thesis as per the instructions for the procedure, formal design, and BT/DT processing.

BT/DT final version and evaluation

  • BT/DT final version is submitted in three printed copies (VŠEM returns one copy to the student after graduation) and one electronically (SIS VŠEM/Study form/Bachelor/Diploma thesis) and it must comply with the formal and administration issues for BT/DT (failure to observe the guidelines results in failure to submit the final thesis for evaluation and the student will not be able to defend his/her BT/DT within the specified deadline).
  • The evaluation from the supervisor and opponent of the final thesis for BT/DT defence are available to the student at the latest 3 days prior to the defence of the final thesis in electronic format by means of SIS VŠEM/Soubory uchazeče/studenta.
  • If the BT/DT is evaluated by the thesis supervisor as unsatisfactory (4), the student cannot defend the thesis. The student must correct the thesis.

BT/DT defence

  • BT/DT defence takes place by means of committee method within the specified deadlines for the final thesis defence always during the last week of the respective month (October/January/June) between Monday – Friday, and the specific day and time are defined based on the number of enrolled students after the application deadline completion for BT/DT defence).
  • Presentation of the bachelor/diploma thesis in front of the examination committee includes verbal presentation (5 - 10 min.), when the student acquaints the committee with the reasons affecting his/her topic selection and the BT/DT goal, approach to the problem solving including the applied methods and procedures, with the problems occurred during the BT/DT processing, the main solutions and conclusions resulting from BT/DT, including the level of the BT/DT aim achievement.
  • The defence of the student’s final thesis (BT/DT) is the oral final examination (Bc./Ing./MBA).
  • The defence of bachelor/diploma thesis is public, and every student who applied to the study department can be present during the BT/DT defence (only the members of the examination committee and the opponent may raise questions).
  • A student assigns for the BT/DT defence by means of SIS VŠEM/Student’s exams/BT/DT defence.
  • A student has three attempts for defending the final thesis, and after failing the third attempt (4 – unsatisfactory), the study is terminated for incompliance with the conditions.

Information for BT/DT Supervisors and Opponents

  • Electronic version of BT/DT must be sent as per the deadlines for the BT/DT defence within the specified date (1.10. / 1.1. / 1.6.) to the VŠEM study department.
  • Signed BT/DT evaluation in person must be sent/personally delivered as per the deadlines for the BT/DT defence within the specified date (15.10. / 15.1. / 15.6.) to the VŠEM study department.
  • Standardized forms of VŠEM evaluations for bachelor and diploma thesis (BT/DT) for the final thesis supervisor and opponent: Posudek vedoucího BP/Posudek vedoucího DP