Science and Research Council
Science and Research Committee of VŠEM is an advisory body of VŠEM.
The members of the committee evaluate the activities and development in the area of science and research and they give their opinion on questions suggested by the rector, vice-rectors or the founder. The chairperson of the committee is the director of CES VŠEM.
Science and Research Committee Members
doc. Ing. Daniel Šťastný, Ph.D.Member of Science and Research Council of VŠEM Rector VŠEM Více |
prof. Ing. Ladislav Blažek, CSc.Member of Science and Research Council of VŠEM Head of the Business Economics department at Masaryk University in Brno Více |
Ing. Věra Czesaná, CSc.Member of Science and Research Council of VŠEM Head of The National Observatory of Employment and Training Více |
prof. RNDr. Jiří Hlaváček CSc.Member of Science and Research Council of VŠEM Lecturer at the Charles University in Prague (microeconomics, mathematical methods) Více |
prof. Ing. Christiana Kliková, CSc.Member of Science and Research Council of VŠEM Lecturer at Technical University of Ostrava Více |
Ing. Martin Kupka, CSc.Member of Science and Research Council of VŠEM The chief economist in ČSOB Více |
doc. Ing. Lubomír Lízal, CSc.Member of Science and Research Council of VŠEM Lecturer at Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Czech Technical University in Prague (economics, management, and humanities departments) Více |
doc. Ing. Karel Müller, CSc.Member of Science and Research Council of VŠEM Lecturer at Faculty of Humanitites at Charles University in Prague Více |
prof. Ing. Antonín Slaný, CSc.Member of Science and Research Council of VŠEM Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative at Masaryk University in Brno Více |