Practical Applications (PA)
I. Conditions and Instructions
- Every student must acquire at least 24 ECTS credit points from Practical Applications (PA) during the entire study programme (Seminar block I. - III.), whereby the type and number of PA completed is at the discretion of the student. Full information on the number of credits, course times, capacity, content and form of the PA are given in the annotations of the Seminar Block, see Structure and Study Time Plan).
The condition for being awarded the credit (CR) and receiving the respective number of ECTS credit points is student’s attendance and elaboration of the respective coursework (the type of the coursework is laid down by the respective educational department).
The following subjects are an exception
- Informatics/seminar is obligatory for all 1st year students (not PPE 1/PPE 2/PKLZ 1).
- English Language/study subject (including SANE and Business English). All students are obliged to complete at least 1 course taught in English. Courses taught in English are scheduled also outside of the times of the Seminar Blocks in each trimester of the academic year (not for PPE 1/PPE 2/PKLZ 1).
II. Registration and Number of Students
- The deadline for registering for Practical Applications is written out by the administration of VSEM for each academic year of the Seminar Blocks.
- Students shall register for Practical Applications they selected through the SIS VSEM/Administrative (the complete offer is listed under SIS of VSEM/Courses and exams calendar).
- Minimal and maximal number of students is stipulated for opening of Practical Applications courses, or the maximal course capacity (if the capacity has been reached, the student shall select an alternative PA course).
- If the capacity of the PA is not reached, students (both those of the full-time and the part-time study form) may register for the chosen Practical Applications through the SIS VSEM/Study Forms/Application, however, without entitlement to credit points.
III. Practical Training (PT)
Practical Training (PT) is a short practical experience on the premises of an organization or firm or company chosen by the student with duration of at least 120 work days, the aim of which is for the student to gain experience with the day to day busyness of the company, and whereby the student participates in the work done at the company. Students can complete Practical Training at any time during the standard study curriculum).
- The student shall select Practical Training considering his or her study major or professional specialization (the choice of the company and the content of work is at the discretion of the student). PT is obligatory for all study majors and all full-time students.
- Students shall submit through the SIS VSEM the completed Registration to Practical Training (DOC format) at the latest 14 days before the start of the PT (PT is subject to approval by administration).
- The output of the Practical Training is a work diary in the extent if at least 5 standard pages (formal requirements correspond to a student credit-award work), which shall describe the content, the professional and specific issues of the work done in the relation to the study major/specialization of the student and last but not least, the actual merit of the Professional Training for the student and his studies.
- Students that are employed or self employed (business license) can take his or her Practical Training at his employer or in his own business activity (administrative conditions are identical, i.e. submitting the Registration to Practical Training, approval by VSEM administration and elaboration of the wok diary).