General English A1

Study subject
Way of completion
exam - written test; 45 min., 90 questions
Objectives and content: The subject called “General English A1” follows the optional A0 course of VSEM. It is  focussed on the areas of English grammar and vocabulary at an intermediate and upper-intermediate level. Concerning vocabulary, it slightly empasizes the area of business English. Students gain basic communication skills. The basic method used is working with various kinds of exercises. The main objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge of English corresponding to the B1 - B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Thanks to the course, students acquire importantant language skills and will be able to communicate in all situations of daily life. All important areas of grammar will be covered. In the same time, students familiarize with some key vocabulary of business English. Successful completion of the course enable students to take the A2 and A3 courses of VSEM.
  • detailed knowledge of all the English tenses, their usage and verbal forms (present tense, past tense, ways of referring to future), both simple and progressive forms, perfect aspect
  • conditionals (present and past), conditional clauses
  • possessive pronouns
  • irregular verbs
  • “MUST” vs. “HAVE TO”; “WHO”, “WHICH”, “THAT”; “MAKE” vs. “DO”; “ANOTHER”, “OTHER”, “OTHERS”; “EVERY”, “EVERYBODY", “EACH”; LET” a infinitiv bez “TO”; „MAY“, „MUST“ + perfect infinitive; modals
  • relative clauses, passive voice, reflective pronouns
  • dates, days of the week, months, time of the day; numbers 1 000 – 1 000 000, ordinal numbers
  • proper names and articles
  • English equivalents of the Czech word "před", sequence of tenses in an Enlish sentence; adverbs
  • irregular plural forms of nouns
  • adjectives
  • verbs expressing a change of state
Basic study literature
  • Hauer, General English, Book A1, domuslinguarum services, Praha 2008 (included in the tuition fees for the P1 students)
  • E-learning English Language
Additional study materials
  • English Grammar in Use, R. Murphy, CUP 2004
  • New Progress to First Certificate, Jones, L., CUP