Economics Department
The Department of Economics is responsible for the following study modules/blocks: Managerial Economics (Bc.), Public Administration and EU (Bc.), Economic Policy (Ing.), Public Finance (Ing.), Introductory Module (MBA)
Expert consultations
Consultation with the academic staff can be arranged via
Department recommends
Study subjects
Data analysis in economics | Informatics I |
Analysis and design of information system | Informatics II |
Applications Business Informatics | Macroeconomic Analysis |
ICT security | Macroeconomics |
Business intelligence | Macroeconomics II |
History of Modern Macroeconomics | Macroeconomics and Analysis |
History of Business Management | Public Administration |
Economic and social innovation | Managerial Economics |
Economic thinking and Company | Management controlling |
Economic and social systems of the EU | Mathematics for Economists |
Microeconomics | Economic Environment |
The European Union | Microeconomics II |
Exact thinking in economics | Business informatics |
Finance and Financial Markets | Business Systems |
Financial and Insurance | Mathematics Resource Management |
Economic Policy | Statistics for Economists |
Economic Policy and Public Finance | Integration I |
Economic Policy and Integration II | Fundamentals of macroeconomic analysis |
ICT Strategy |

doc. Ing. Romana Provazníková, Ph.D.
Managerial Economics
Work experience
- The Urban Institute, Washington, USA - based in Prague, consultant, 1 year
- Regional Development Agency of the Pardubice Region, director, 1 year
- University of Pardubice, Faculty of Economics and Administration, various positions, now as an associate professor (30 years)
- 1986: Ing, field of planning, Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague
- 2001: Ph.D., field of study Economic Theory, Faculty of Economics and Administration, MU in Brno
- 2008: doc., Public Economics and Services; Faculty of Economics Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
- Provazníková, R, Sobotková, L. [&] Sobotka, M. (2020). Local Government in The Czech Republic:Dilemmas and Chalanges. Handbook of Research on Global Challenges for Improving Public Services and Government Operations, IGI Global, chapter 9, 151-171. 30 % Doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4978-0.
- Kraftová, I., Provazníková, R., [&] Korovchenko, T., (2020). Poverty Risk and Quality of Housing in the EU Regions with a Different Urbanisation Rate. Scientific paper of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration. 28(4), 1170. 30%
- Provazníková, R., [&] Chlebounová, D., (2019). Costs and Benefits of the Dual Vocational Training System and its Use in the Czech Republic, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference Current Trend in Public Sector Research. 190-197. 80%. WOS:000560960400023.
- Provazníková, R., [&] Chlebounová, D. (2018). Discussion on the Quality of European Higher Education Systems Using Cluster Analysis.Proceedings of the 6th Teaching [&] Education Conferences, VIENNA Book Series: 68-89, 60 %. WOS:000542926800005
- Lešáková, P., Baťa, R., Provazníková, R. (2017) Implementation of the SDGs under Czech Conditions and Measuring Selected Indicators. In Proceedings of 29th International-Business-Information-Management-Association Conference. 2017. pp. 1076-1084, (20%)ISBN: 978-0-9860419-7-6
- PETR., P. PROVAZNÍKOVÁ, R., Křupka, J. (2016) Modelling of Municipality Indebtedness Evaluation at Regional Level. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference Current Trends in Public Sector Research. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. pp. 171-178. WOS:000379382400021
- Provazníková, R., Křupka, J., Pešková, I. (2015) Economic Health Index for Czech Regional Cities. InTheoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance Location. Proceedings of the XX. International Conference, Praha: Oeconomica, pp. 200-205. WOS:000389582500034
- Provazníková, R., Petr, P. (2014) The Aspects of Financning of Municipalities with Extended Power. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference Current Trend in Public Sector Research, Brno, 2014. pp. 68-75. 70%. ISBN 978-80-210-6611-3 (70%)
- Křupka, J., Provazníková, R., Kašparová, M., [&] Langer, J. (2013) Standards of Living Modeling based on Objective Indicators with Using Cluster Analysis. In Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Issue 8, Vol. 7, 2013, pp. 782-792.25%. ISSN 1998-0140
- Křupka, J., Provazníková, R., [&] Švejcar, J. (2011) Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis of EU Project Implementation Benefits for the Impacted Micro-region In International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 5(8), pp.1354-1362. 40%. ISSN 1998-0140.
- Provazníková, R. (2015) Financování měst, obcí a regionů – teorie a praxe, 3. rozšířené a přepracované vydání, Grada Publishing, a.s, , 304 s. 100% ISBN 978-80-247-5608-0
- Provazníková, R., Volejníková, J. (2006) Makroekonomie-Cvičebnice pro základní a středně pokročilý kurz, 3. vyd. Melandrium Slaný. 379s. 50%. ISBN 80-86175-235
- Provazníková, R. (2011) Místní finance I. díl pro kombinovanou formu studia. 2. přep. vyd. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice. 122s. ISBN 80-7194-835-7
- Provazníková, R. (2006) Místní finance II. díl pro kombinovanou formu studia 1. vyd. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice FES, s. 154. ISBN 80-7194-873-X
- Provazníková, R. (2019) Makroekonomie I pro bakalářské studium – distanční opora, první díl, Univerzita Pardubice, 107s. ISBN 978-80-7560-220-6
- název vč. ISBN do odrážek
- Provazníková, R., Sobotka, M. (2013) Veřejné finance II, 1. vyd. Univerzita Pardubice, 150s. 70%. ISBN 978-80-7395-731-5
- Knihy, skripta a distanční opory
Pedagogical activities
- Univerzita Pardubice, Makroekonomie 2 – magisterské studium;
- Univerzita Pardubice, Ekonomie 3 (Economics 3 - anglická mutace) – doktorské studium;
- Univerzita Pardubice, Veřejné finance 2 – magisterské studium;
- Univerzita Pardubice, Veřejná ekonomie 3 (Public Economics 3 – anglická mutace) – doktorské studium;
- Univerzita Pardubice, Místní a regionální finance (Municipal and Regional Finance – anglická mutace) – bakalářské studium;
- V minulosti vyučované Ekonomie, Mikroekonomie I, Makroekonomie I – bakalářské studium.
Grants and memberships
- Spoluřešitel grantu MV ČR – 2011-2015 Bezpečnost občanů – krizové řízení BOKR – reg. č. VF 20112015018; název (do odrážek)
- Spoluřešitel grantu GA ČR č. 402 402/08/0849 2008-2010 Model řízení povzbudivého růstu regionu.
- International conference „Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries“, EBEEC, Greece (2021)
- 6th Teaching [&] Education Conferences, IISES, FHWien University of Applied Sciences, Vienna, Austria (2018)
- 12th International Scientific Conference on Public Administration 2018, Univerzita Pardubice (2018)
- 29th International Business Information Management Association, suistainable Economic Growth, Education Excellence, and Innovation management Through Vision, Vienna, Austria (2017)
- International Scientific Conference „Public Economics and Administration“, VŠB-TU Ostrava (2019), (2017)
- International Conference „Current Trend in Public Sector Research“, ESF MU Brno (2019), (2017), (2015)
- International Conference „Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance Location“, VŠE Praha (2015)
- 13th International Scientific Conference on Hradec Economic Days, Univerzita Hradec Králové (2015).