VSEM EN > Studies at VŠEM > Study Programmes > Doctoral degree DBA

Doctoral degree DBA

Doctoral study program Global crisis management (full-time and part-time form of study). This professional degree is designed to include advanced managerial competencies and technical skills needed to operate in the global management environment at the senior level. Accreditation procedure is in process (ACBSP).

DBA Program structure / I. - II. year

Modul Course
Global crisis management Strategic global management
Crisis communication ans management
Risk management
Global Leadership Change management
Diversity management
Ethics in management
Project development Analysis of resources
Methodology in management
Data analysis
Tehnical and technological skills ICT strategy
Technology in management
Digital analytics
Global management skills Global trends
Public relations
Final module Doctoral thesis and defense
Final exam

Characteristics and form of study

Students will demonstrate advanced skills in leadership, communication, strategic thinking, diversity management, risk and crisis management, change management, and competencies necessary for successful managerial execution at senior levels. Students in this program will master the skills, which are also consistent with the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) competencies and apply these in empirical action-based project.

  • Part-time study form I is realized by a 1-to-2-day educational weekend sessions, up to 3 times per trimester.
  • Full-time study form is realized by 2-to-3-day educational sessions during working days, 4-5 times per trimester.

Study duties

The doctoral field of study contains 6 module blocks. The study subject is finished with an exam. The entire course is completed by a comprehensive oral final exam and a dissertation defense. The study program has a standard length of study of 2 years.

The program goals

  • Demonstrate excellence in the corporate communication skills, with emphasis on ethics, efficiency, empathy and addressing diversity within the global management field.
  • Apply, synthesize, analyze and integrate knowledge of business, technology and other fields to arrive at innovative solutions to organizational problems.
  • Exhibit the skills to address tactical crisis and risk in the multicultural organizations in a globalized society.
  • Excel in decision-making ethically and compassionately.
  • Develop excellence in the project development, analysis and presentation of empirical work.
  • Develop the competencies for effective strategic global crisis management.