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Current News

ACBSP Region 8 Fall Conference: Pre-conference campus and car factory tour at Škoda Auto University (13.11.2019)

We would like to invite the participants of the ACBSP Region 8 Fall Conference (14.-17.11.2019) to a pre-conference campus and car factory tour at Škoda Auto University, which is also accredited by ACBSP.

  • Date: 13.11.2019, approximately from 9:30am to 4pm
  • transport and lunch will be arranged by Škoda Auto University
  • the capacity is limited to 20 participants

If you are interested please fill in the registration form for the conference and check the "pre-conference tour at Škoda Auto University".

If you already registered for the conference and you would like to attend the tour please send us your request to international@vsem.cz.

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