Administration of payment
The tuition fees are covered on the basis of electronic pro forma invoice within the specified maturity deadline. The condition for all payments is the compliance with the variable symbol of the respective document (incompliance with VS is considered failure to observe the payment conditions for the tuition fees/unpaid).
- The payment of the tuition or administration fees is possible by means of bank transfer or cash deposit to the bank account VŠEM 196444294/0300 providing the payment by means of money/postal order is NOT PERMISSIBLE (incompliance with the conditions for paying the tuition fees/unpaid).
- On the date of payment of tuition fees is the date, when the amount is credited to the bank account at VSEM (with correct variable symbol, when payment of tuition fees or part thereof until after the deadline,(without an approved student's request) is charged according to the price list of Administration at VSEM.
- Additional financial charges for the payment of tuition fees (so example conversion of foreign currency, cash payment at the bank charges for paying by credit/debit card) are always borne by the payer (the applicant/ student).
- Conditions for return of tuition fees at termination, leaving or exclusion from the studies by internal regulations of VSEM.
Payments in SIS (pairing payment, terms)
Synchronization and matching payments of applicants/students in SIS VSEM runs regularly in weekly cycles, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of payment at the bank account of VSEM (Bank of VSEM - accounting system of VSEM- SIS VSEM).
- Manual control, tracing and mapping of individual payments to students, is not realized by VSEM (appropriate payment must be cleared in the bank account of VSEM, when the payment order or account statement, it is not considered by relevant evidence in the context of database synchronization in SIS VSEM).
- Conditions for a study at VSEM (access to the SIS, the electronic registration of the applicant / student for the academic year, participation in the examination and training camps) are paid all advance invoices in SIS VSEM (tuition fees and repayment of tuition fees, extraordinary terms and services - ETS, administrative fees for study) and according to the payment schedule, due dates, or the relevant deadline displacement due.
Payments E-shop VSEM
Ordering and payment system for the purchase of basic and educational literature, electronic publications (eBooks, iBooks, mBooks), extra tasks within the administration of studies (Administrative price list, ETS) and tuition fees/tuition (since January 2015).
- Login, student data are the same as for the SIS VSEM (, password)
- Pursuant the realized order is exposed prescription for payment, when after crediting the account of VSEM and pairing payments SIS is then available in the eShop settlement/invoice.
- Editing billing information is performed before buying in eShop, after logging into your account (automatically preset address of the SIS VSEM) or during the finishing order, after sending the order can no longer edit billing information.
- Within tuition fees payment, is selected by the applicant/student specific amount of tuition fees/tuition for the price level within the framework of the standard period of studies, or within an extension of the period of studies.
Moving and distribution of tuition fees
The request for postponement of repayment or the distribution of tuition fees for the academic year must be submitted no later than 14 days before the due date, through SIS VŠEM/Study form/request/inquiry
- In the case of the distribution of tuition fees must be paid all installments under the same number advance invoice/variable symbol.
- The condition for the distribution of tuition fees, after the administrative approval of the student's application, sign an agreement on the distribution of payments/addendum to the contract for the study (relevant study program).
- The candidate/student may in serious personal reasons to apply for individual repayment schedule for the academic year. Request of the applicant/student approves head of the department on the recommendation of the Administrative Commission at VSEM), and within the relevant ETS.
- Applying for monthly payment of tuition fees (10 + 1 installment) is subject to approval, based on the student's application form through the SIS VSEM/Study form, that the applicant/student signed submitted a payment schedule with the amount of monthly payments and maturity dates.
- Terms and administrative charges for displacement maturity tuition fees/tuition Regulation establishes Rector of VSEM 09/2013.
Backup and settlement document
From AY 2014/2015 will no longer be exposed to the advance payment documents for student fees/tuition, when the electronic settlement document will be exposed to and stored for the student in the SIS/Payments student, after payment of the amounts and the pairing of SIS, and on-demand student through the SIS/Request (documents are sent by post or e-mail).
- Settlement document of VSEM, for student fees/tuition is always exposed to the name adopted by the applicant/ student (additional editing is charged according to the price list of Administration VSEM).
- In the case of the distribution of tuition fees/tuition fees is an electronic settlement/invoice issued upon the payment of the final amount of the tuition fees (cumulative amount).
- Electronic invoice is under the Act on Electronic Signatures and Accounting Act, mandatory acceptable at the state organizations, public or private, in the whole country, when it comes to the cost savings and the environment, therefore not printed invoice standard issued/send.
Term of maturity (students)
Decomposition of payments/Begin of studies |
October |
January |
April |
Payment 1 x per year (to maturity) |
1.8. | 1.12. | 1.3. |
Payment 2 x per year (to maturity) |
1.8./1.1. | 1.12./1.5. | 1.3./1.8. |
Distribution payment of annual tuition fees/tuition
Price level/Study program |
Bc. |
Ing. |
Scholarship Classic (payment 2x per year) | 10.000/10.000 Kč | 10.000/10.000 Kč | 20.000/20.000 Kč |
Premium (paid 2x per year) | 30.000/20.000 Kč | 30.000/20.000 Kč | 35.000/35.000 Kč |