Read time: 2 min.Academic Council
Academic Council of VŠEM serves as a conceptual, active, and advisory body of the given fields of activities of VŠEM. In particular, it ratifies the study programmes that are submitted to MŠMT (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) within the accreditation process, debates long-term intentions of VŠEM, and comments on inquiries by the rector or the founder.
The members are the Rector, Vice-Rectors, and representatives of the educational and research departments of the school.
Members of Academic Council of VŠEM

doc. Ing. Zdeněk Linhart, CSc.
Member of Academic Council of VŠEM
Marketing Department
Author of advertisement perception research and organic refinery research in relation to biofuel. Lecturing about food and agricultural products marketing, and prognostics and planning at Czech University of Life Sciences, about diffusion of marketing innovations at Université Metz, and about stategic marketing at VŠEM.