Additional services or tuition discount within VSEM packages.
A student may
extend selected price of tuition through service and discount packages, according to their needs and demands of the academic and administrative services in the degree study program(Bc. / Ing. / MBA) and forms of study (part-time / full-time), see
VSEM administration service and discount package.
Price of discount service packages are guaranteed for 12 months from the date of study commencement (October / January / April), respectively, from the date of the
trimester start (validity of service and discount packages by 1st of September, 2011).
VSEM servis packages
1.1 STUDY (10.000 Kč/year)
| 1.2 INDIVIDUAL (10.000 Kč/year)
- Exam results in points (minimum 80% attendance
- E-learning VSEM (subjects/modules)
- E-text VSEM (printing of study materials, study materials, VSEM presentations)
- Individual consultation with lecturer (3ZK/1ZZK)
- Licence Locklizard (version PDC VSEM)
- Repetition of subjects (3x during AY)
- VSEM Study forms in SIS (electronic questions and requests)
- Basic materials and VSEM study materials
- Administrative consultation (administrative control of SP/BP/DP)
- E-learning VSEM (subjects/modules)
- Individual study plan (ISP)
- VSEM Study forms in SIS (electronic questions and requests)
- Acceptance of subjects / tests (administration of tests and acceptance of subjects from other universities/ colleges)
- 12 month exam period (September - August)
1.3 COMFORT (10.000 Kč/year) | 1.4 EXCLUSIVE (30.000 Kč/year) |
- Administrative consultation (administrative control of SP/BP/DP)
- Administrative supervision and control of studies (VSEM terms watching supervision)
- VSEM On-line support (chat VSEM)
- VSEM SIS Study forms during 24 hours (electronic questions and requests)
- VSEM Phone personal asistant (administration and studies)
- Extraordinary terms and servises ETS (unlimited, excludes studies supervision)
- Subjects repetition (unlimited)
- Study and extending literature of VSEM
- Tuition fees (individual payment)
- VSEM Phone personal asistant (administration and studies)
- Extra subjects Enrollment of above standard subjects (unlimited)
- VSEM E-books readers and notebooks lending
- 12 month exam period (September - August)
VSEM Discount packages
Allows r
eduction of tuition fees for the academic year by fulfilling VSEM administrative and learning conditions Discount packages
can not be combined and can not be applied within the selected price level tuition
2.1 TRANSFER (- 5.000 Kč/rok)
| 2.2 STUDY (- 5.000 Kč/rok)
| 2.3 ENTERPRISE (- 10%/rok) |
- Discount 5.000 Kč within academic year (Bc./Ing.)
- ISP creation
- Subject acceptation/exams (minimal assume for discount application 5 E from other VŠ/VOŠ)
- Discount 5.000 Kč within academic year (Bc./Ing./MBA)
- Study average by 1,5 (AY standard enrollment)
- Extension of qualification ZK/SP/ZZK (excellent, very good)
- Discount 10% within academic year (Bc./Ing./MBA)
- Enrollment of more then 5 students within academic year(from same company/organization)