Quality Evaluation
It is achieved through both internal and external evaluation processes, serving as a source of ideas for improvements. Our students are regularly asked to report on the quality and effectiveness of each of the study subjects. The results are discussed by the academic and the scientific councils of VSEM and they are accessible to public.
A way to achieve our goals is the attention we pay to our instructors’ qualifications. The teachers are recruited on the basis of our rich experience. All the instructors’ work is regularly assessed.
VSEM systematically cooperates with many external experts and students’ employers. The school is a member of many organizations associating specialists from the area of economics and management. The projects of VSEM are open to public. All these features contribute to transparency and the practical orientation of the school.
Internal evaluation
The system of VŠEM self-evaluation is based on:
- quality of instruction
- technical and organizational conditions
- research, international relations and public relations
VSEM is a member of several independent organizations focussing on business education and other related areas (e.g. European Council for Business Education, Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, Asociace malých a středních podniků ČR, Česká marketingová společnost, Česká společnost ekonomická, Česká společnost pro systémovou integraci, Hospodářská komora ČR, Česká manažerská asociace, etc.). The membership gives us the possibility to take part in various kinds of international projects and it is an important source of information about the recent development in the field of business education worldwide.Another form of cooperation is organized by means of modern information technologies, namely through the so called “subject gateways” allowing its users to take part in the subject-related online discussions (the mailbases such as euro-econ, total-quality-5s, total-quality-ecpsys, management-of technology, ornet, cti-acc-audit, risk, estate-management, supply-management, purchasing-supply-chain, industrial-relations-research, org-effectiveness, indecon, logistics-research-network, business-process-management, academic-industry-relations, facilities-management, critical-management, small-business-issues, business-ethics, teaching-corporate-citizenship, consumer-studies, retail, meg, cti-acc-marketing, archive-econ, management-research, management-history, know-org, virtual-economy, ak-innovation, babsip, financial-services, business-information-all, business-research, cti-acc-business, econ-business-educators, int-econ-biz-educators, lis-bin, international-partnership, etc.)
International accreditation
International accreditations are a feature of high-quality study programmes. In 1998, VSEM became a member of ECBE (European Council for Business Education) which has accredited the study programmes Bachelor in Economics and Management and Master of Business Administration (Bc., MBA).European Council for Business Education (ECBE) is an international accreditation institution for university study programmes focussing on business economics. It is a member of IFBE (International Federation for Business Education) associating accreditation institutions of several continents. The accreditations are then accepted by the prestigious ACBSP (Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programmes) in the USA.