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MSMT Accreditations

Decisions overwiev:

Decision (Ref.: 41714/2011-M3)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided in accordance with Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 2 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“) the renewal of accreditation of Master degree in Economics and management study program, field of study Enterprises management by 1.st of March. Standard duration of full time and part time studies is 2.5 year for the College of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 9 December 2011. Prague, 20. December 2011.

Decision (Ref: 12851/2011-30/1)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided in accordance with Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 2 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“) the renewal of accreditation bachelor degree in Economics and Management study program , fields of study Communication and Human Resources by 31 July 2015 full-time study and part time study standard duration of three years for the College of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 28 April 2011. Prague, 10 May 2011.

Decision (Ref: 19451/2010-30/1)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided in accordance with Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 1 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“) On universities and amending other Acts the accreditation of  bachelor degree in Economics and Management course in Business Administration by 31 July 2014, full-time study and part time study standard duration of three years for the University of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 14 July 2010. Prague, 29 July 2010.

Decision (Ref: 28852/2009-30/1))

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided according to § 78 paragraph 3, Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 3 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“), the extension of accreditation of bachelor degree program in Economics and Management of Marketing degree course to 31 December 2013, full-time study and part time study standard duration of three years for the University of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 9 December 2009. Prague, 16. December 2009.

Decision (Ref: 9199/2009-30/1)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided in accordance with Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 3 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“) the extension of accreditation of master study program in Economics and Management fields of study and economic analysis of competitive strategy, corporate management and competitive environment and management of full-time students to 1 November 2012, the standard length of study 2 years for the University of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 22 April 2009. Prague, 29 April 2009.

Decision (Ref: 19893/2008-30/1)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided in accordance with Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 3 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“), the accreditation  extension in master study program: Economics and Management study program management and competitive environment in the first November 2012, the part time form of study is the standard duration of 2.5 years for the University of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 2 October 2008. Prague, 7. October 2008.

Decision (Ref: 17731/2007-30/1)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided in accordance with, Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 3 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“) to extend accreditation
a) Bachelor's degree program in Economics and Management degree course on Communication and Human Resources by 1 August 2011, full-time study and part time study standard duration of 3 years
b) Master's degree program in Economics and Management of the course Management of companies by 1 March 2012, the part time form of study is the standard duration of 2.5 years for the University of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 4 July 2007. Prague, 25. July 2007.

Decision (Ref: 13598/2007-30/1)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided in accordance with Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 3 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“)the extension of accreditation bachelor degree in Economics and Management Business Economics degree course of full-time students and 20 October 2010, the University of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 14 May 2007. Prague, 30. May 2007.

Decision (Ref: 4402/2006-30/1)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided in accordance with Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 1 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“)
accreditation downstream Master's degree program in Economics and Management with a master degrese course Economic Analysis and Competitive Strategy by 1 March 2012, part-time study, standard duration of 2.5 years for the University of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 20 February 2006. Prague 1. March 2006.

Decision (Ref: 29791/2005-30/1)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports decided in accordance with Article 79 § 4, § 80, paragraph 2 and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“)the  renewal of accreditation bachelor degree in Economics and Management fields of study Taxation and Tax Policy, Business Administration and 20 October 2010, the part time form of study, the standard study period study is 4 years,  for the University of Economics and Management. This decision is issued on the recommendation of the Accreditation Commission of 3 October 2005. Prague, 20. October 2005.

Decision (Ref: 25754/2001-30)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports grants:

a) University of Economics and Management Co. established the National Resistance 17, 400 03 Usti nad Labem, according to § 39, § 87 point. f) and § 105 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Universities and on the changes and amendments of other related Acts (the Act on Universities) (hereafter the „Act“), state approval to operate as a private college,

b) pursuant to § 39 paragraph 9, § 78, paragraph 1, Article 79 § 4, § 87 point. g) and § 105 of the Higher Education for four years accredited bachelor's study program "Economics and Management" with the part time form of study and disciplines: Business Administration, Taxation and tax policy.

Accreditation Commission at its meeting on 13 June 2001 issued a favorable opinion on the above mentioned accreditation bachelor degree program with a part time study and also issued a favorable opinion on state approval of high school.

With regard to the Opinion of the Accreditation Committee of the Ministry in assessing the content of an application for state approval found that there provide sufficient guarantees for education, research, development and other creative activities of the institution and that the draft internal regulations is in accordance with the laws and other legislation and decided the application for state approval to comply. Prague,  15. October 2001