Special terms and services (MTS)
Individual admnistration of studies for price level Premium
Special terms and services (MTS) are chargeable administrative tasks for students with a price level PREMIUM, which are above the administrative tasks, services or terms set out in the internal regulations of VSEM. Students can use them for individualization of administration of studies (approved application, payment for MTS). Valid from 1st July 2014.
Administration of MTS
- Request for MTS is subject of approval of VSEM (there is no legal claim of MTS). The request has to be send via SIS VŠEM/Application/Inquiry (with relevant number, name and justification of MTS) at latest 14 days before the date of the MTS.
- After the application is approved, student buys the special term/service via eShop VSEM
- Administrative fee for unused terms/services is not refundable. Unpaid fee is cause for annulment of given term/service.
- In case of early termination/completion of studies, student is not entitled for refunding any fees.
Price list of extraordinary terms and services (ETS)
Special terms and services |
Standard |
Premium |
1.01 Special and individual terms (administrative tasks linked to study or its completion/termination, does not include control of study) | 2.000 Kč | 1.000 Kč |
1.02 Composition of individual study plan/shortening of study (creation ISP, changes in schedule outside of given schedule or study standards of VSEM) | No | 1.000 Kč |
1.03 Individual form of exam ZK/ZZK (other, than the standard form of the exam, for example written, oral form) | No | 1.000 Kč |
1.04 Presentation of the seminar paper SP (possibility of presenting SP above given number of standard terms, i.e. more than one). | No | 1.000 Kč |
1.05 Individualization of tuition payments (change of payment deadline or instalments) | No | 1.000 Kč |
1.06 Individual term of defense/presentation SP (defense/presentation of SP outside the standard terms of VSEM) | No | 4.000 Kč |
1.07 Individual term of BP/DP (defense of final thesis outside standard terms of VSEM) | No | 8.000 Kč |
1.08 Individual administration of study (change/decrease of price level of tuition fees, changes in due date of payment or dividing the payment into instalments) | No | 3.000 |
1.09 Extension of the period of study by 6 months (possibility to extend the standard period of study by 6 months - for closing studies by defence of final thesis) | No | 30.000 |