VSEM EN > Admission > Conditions and Content > Personality Test

Personality Test

The aim of the personality test is to find out about the applicant’s motivation to study and about his or her capability to cope with the difficulties of college studies
It is focussed on the personal features of an applicant (Bc., Ing., MBA, CZV – LLP) that determine the quality of studies and the student’s effort. Another area that is explored by the test is the capability of logical thinking.

The test designated for the part-time study programmes applicants (K1 / K2)
The student’s position within the company he works for, kind of work, the conditions to study provided by the employer, the motivation of both the student and of his employer, connections between the student’s job and the study programme, the ideas about his or her future professional development, language skills, computer literacy, ability to cope with possible study difficulties, behaviour in stressful situations.

The test designated for the full-time study programmes applicants (P1 / P2):
The student’s motivation to study, familiarity with the study major, possible connections to his or her future job,  the student’s ideas about his or her possible professional development, his/her current activities, language skills, computer literacy, ability to cope with possible study difficulties, behaviour in stressful situations.

  • The ultimate goal of the selection tests is to find out if the applicant is mature enough and ready to study at a college. Hereby, the applicants’ determination, will, personal and professional objectives are evaluated. In addition, we also consider whether it will be possible for them to combine work with the study duties.
  • Student’s answers are graded (+1, 0, -1). The sum total then gives the result of the test. The questionnaire is regularly updated, reflecting the strong and weak points discovered of the contemporary VSEM students.