VSEM EN > Studies at VŠEM > Administration of Studies > Classes and Examination Period

Classes and Examination Period

Academic year at VŠEM is divided into trimesters: I. trimester: 1.9. - 31.12., II. trimester: 1.1. - 30.4., III. trimester: 1.5. - 31.8. The tuition and examination period comprises direct tuition (direct tuition, videoconsultations), self-study and examination period within Control of studies (exams, credits, seminar papers, final paper)


Studies take the form of workshops organized during the whole academic year (September – June). The system, teaching days and the spacing between the workshops differ according to the form of study (full-time or part-time).

  • Direct education (full-time study part) takes place within the tutorial sessions by means of lectures, seminars, consulting, and practise, and the full-time study form requires personal presence of the student, and includes the tutorial sessions consulting, seminars, and practise
  • The tutorial sessions acquaint the student with the basic structure of the subject in relation to the study literature, he/she is introduced to the problem issues related to the study subjects and receive a general review. The basic topical issues are dealt with, the basic methodological principals are explained focusing on the process during the management of more difficult parts with practising the standard examples.
  • Indirect tutorial (distance study part/self-study)takes place between the tutorial and examination period and it includes independent work of a student with the study or specialized literature (learning texts, study support, study texts) in combination with the tutorial interactive element within WebForum (off-line discussions: student - lecturer - student), E-learning, and special learning texts designed for the distance study form


The exam tests knowledge of total output of the study subject/module that tests the student's individual progress in the relevant examination period. The exams take place within the respective examination period during the whole calendar year (12 months), when the student prepares the individual examination plan based on the specified examination terms in SIS VSEM.

  • Electronic exam term
  • Oral exam term
  • Final exam
  • Rectors term

Examination period

The examination period have electronic (EZT), written (ZZK) or oral (UZT, MZT) form and the students pass them within the examination sessions/periods, see SIS VŠEM/Review of examination period.

      • Electronic and written exams have the Multiple choice form with the option of more correct answers.
      • Student has 3 examination attempts from each registered study subject (1 x regular, 2 x resit), the the fourth attempt, which is charged by the administrative price list of VSEM. In the case of exhaustion of all exam attempts student may apply for a rector´s exam term.

Log in / out of electronic exams

NOTE: this process does not apply for the MBA studies in English language

Administrative conditions in SIS VSEM for logging in and out of the exam terms (EET) are determined according to the respective price levels, which for reasons of capacity are being built conditions for logging in and out on the examination terms.

  • The number of log sets a maximum number of students registered in the study subjects SIS VSEM for passing exams (completion/signing out of the examination date, the student is released capacity for further study course).
  • Number of Out sets the maximum number of check-out EET during one trimester in an academic year (for Out of EET to a change of date/time and venue of the course).
  • Login to EET sets deadline for registration for examination terms.
  • Out of EET latest sets a timetable for Out of the exam date.
  • Exceeding the limit set for out on exam dates for student blocks the possibility of login/logout for the trimester.
  • In the case of absence of a student EET is disabled student registration for next EET of the study subject in a given trimester.
Price level Number of logins Number out Login to EET Log out to EET
without limit without limit 23:59 before EET 23:59 before EET
Standard 10 10 x for a trimester 23:59 before EET 3 days before EET (till 23:59)
Klasik 5 10 x for a trimester 23:59 before EET 3 days before EET (till 23:59)

The examination period

The examination period is specified time zone in the academic year, in which students can focus exam within its control study (ZK, ZZK, RZT, Presentation SP, defense BP/DP), when an individual student passes the exam concentration depending on his chosen price levels (Classic, Standard, Premium, Classic Scholarship) and the type of exam period (ZO I / ZO II / III ZO), see dates listed in the SIS VŠEM / tests student.

  • unauthorized logging camps during examination (examination dates within EZT, ZZK, SP) is considered a breach of internal regulations of VSEM (unauthorized barring capacity of exam date).
  • Students ,who volunteer for examination dates outside their examination period, the test will not be allow to attend, that term is forfeited without compensation.<

Terms of Exams

  • Electronic exams are normally scheduled more times during a week (Monday - Sunday / September - June).
  • Electronic exams are not implemented on an administrative or study leave of VSEM and are dependent on administrative and personnel capacity of VSEM in a given period.

Distribution of the exam period

  • Examination period I. (September, January, June): exam concentration range and extend the duration of 30 days at the beginning or end of the trimester, with the possibility of overlapping into the next month (e.g. 5.1 - 5.2 / 20.5 - 20.6.)
  • Examination period II. (September - June): exam training camp held during the 10 months (EP II applies to students without a price level with the term, begin their studies in January 2011).
  • Examination period III. (September - August): exam training camp underway 12 months.
Exam period
Exam terms
Price level
Examination period I (3 months) September, January, June Klasik
Examination period II (10 months)
September - June Standard/Stipendium
Examination perios III (12 months)
September - August Premium